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Código-base para uso no Minicurso 4 do II Workshop de Sistemas Computacionais (2018/09/18)
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Algorithms for the family-free DCJ similarity
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OrthologSorter is an automatic pipeline to compare genomes in the protein level. Its twofold output consists in a customized web search tool for finding protein families and a phylogenetic species tree.
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Trabalho desenvolvido na disciplina de APSOO (Análise e Projeto de Software Orientado a Objeto) ministrada em 2017.2. Este projeto tem por objetivo gerenciar indicações discentes nas representatividades previstas pelo regulamento da UFMS.
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bioinfo / DEPICTViz
MIT LicenseDifferential Expression and Protein InteraCTions Visualization Tool
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A linear time approximation algorithm for the DCJ distance for balanced genomes with at most k duplicates.
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ISALYNE-Instance is a concrete infrastructure to support the development of DSPLs based on the ISALYNE-RM. It encompasses a Reconfigurator and a tool support (ISALYNE-IDE).
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Cosmapek is an adaptive deployment infrastructure based on the concepts of DSPL and autonomic control loop MAPE-K. It uses feature model composed of static and dynamic features in order to provide variability reconfiguration at runtime.
Topics: Dynamic Soft...Updated -
WebLamp is a Web-based tool that combines both statistical and visual analysis to help users understand the variability of the clustered data.
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bioinfo / Pipeline segemehl cufflinks
MIT LicenseAutomated pipeline for differential expression analyses using Segemehl mapper and Cufflinks package
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